Essential Linux Commands for System Administrators
Linux is a powerful operating system that is widely used in servers, desktops, and embedded systems. Mastering basic commands is crucial for any system administrator. This guide covers fundamental operations, user management, package management, networking, firewall management, and backup strategies.
1. Basic File and Directory Operations
Create/Change/Remove Directories and Files
Create a Directory:
mkdir directoryname
Change Directory:
cd myfolder/
Copy a File:
cp filename destination
Move/Rename a File:
mv source destination
Remove a File/Directory:
rm filename
rm -r directoryname/
View and Search File Contents
Display File Content:
cat filename
Search for Text within a File:
grep pattern filename
View Last 10 Lines of a File:
tail -n 10 filename
Print Specific Columns:
awk '{ print $1 }' filename
Find and Edit
Find a Directory:
sudo find / -type d -name directoryname
Find a File:
sudo find / -type f -name filename
Edit File Text:
sed -i 's/old_text/new_text/g' filename
2. File Permissions and Ownership
File Permissions
Types: Read (r), Write (w), Execute (x)
Modify User Permissions:
sudo chmod u+rwx filename
Set Permissions Numerically:
sudo chmod 777 filename
Ownership Management
Change File Owner/Group:
sudo chown user:group filename
Change File Group:
sudo chgrp group filename
3. User & Group Management
User Management
Create User:
sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash username
Set User Password:
sudo passwd username
Delete a User:
sudo userdel username
Add User to Group:
sudo usermod -aG groupname username
Set Account Expiration:
sudo chage -E YYYY-MM-DD username
Group Management
Create New Group:
sudo groupadd groupname
Delete Group:
sudo groupdel groupname
4. Package Management (Ubuntu/Debian)
Updating and Installing Packages
Update Package List:
sudo apt update
Upgrade All Installed Packages:
sudo apt upgrade
Install Package:
sudo apt install package-name
Remove Package:
sudo apt remove package-name
Purge Package:
sudo apt purge package-name
5. Service Management
Service Commands
Check Service Status:
sudo systemctl status servicename
Manage Service Lifecycle:
sudo systemctl start servicename
sudo systemctl stop servicename
sudo systemctl restart servicename
sudo systemctl enable servicename
sudo systemctl disable servicename
View Service Logs:
sudo journalctl -u servicename
6. Process Management
Process Viewing and Monitoring
List Processes:
ps aux
Process Viewer:
I/O Stats:
Process Killing
Kill Process:
kill PID
By Name:
pkill process_name
Force Kill:
kill -9 PID
7. Networking Management
Network Configuration
View Network Interfaces:
orip addr
View Routing Table:
ip route
Ping a Host:
ping hostname
Trace Route to a Host:
traceroute hostname
Network Diagnostics
DNS Lookup:
dig domain
ornslookup domain
List Active Connections:
sudo netstat -tuln
orss -tuln
Scan Open Ports:
sudo nmap -sT IP
8. Firewall Management
UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall)
Manage Firewall:
sudo ufw status
Allow Ports:
sudo ufw allow port/protocol
Deny Ports:
sudo ufw deny port/protocol
Allow Services:
sudo ufw allow http
Firewalld (Alternative)
Check Firewall Status:
sudo firewall-cmd --state
Add Service to Zone:
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=http --permanent
Add Port to Zone:
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=80 --permanent
Apply Changes:
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
9. Disk Management
Disk Usage
Check Disk Space:
df -h
Disk Usage per Directory:
du -h
List Block Devices:
Partition and LVM (Logical Volume Management)
Create Partitions:
sudo fdisk /dev/sdX
Format Partition:
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdX1
Mount Partition:
sudo mount /dev/sdX1 /mnt/newdisk
LVM Commands
Create Physical Volume:
sudo pvcreate /dev/sdX
Create Volume Group:
sudo vgcreate volume_group /dev/sdX
Create Logical Volume:
sudo lvcreate -L 10G -n logical_volume volume_group
Mount Logical Volume:
sudo mount /dev/volume_group/logical_volume /mnt/my_lvm
Extend Volume:
sudo lvextend -L +5G /dev/<volume_group>/<logical_volume>
Resize Volume:
sudo resize2fs /dev/<volume_group>/<logical_volume>
10. Backup and Restore with tar and rsync
Backup and Extract with tar
Create Compressed Backup:
tar -cvzf backup.tar.gz /path/to/backup
Extract Backup:
tar -xvzf backup.tar.gz -C /path/to/restore
Remote Backup with rsync
Configure SSH:
Generate SSH Key:
Copy SSH Key to Remote Server:
ssh-copy-id user@remote_ip
Backup with rsync:
rsync -avz source user@remote_ip:/destination